July 26 to Aug 2, 2008
Barbados, Capital is Bridgetown
Land Area is 166 sq miles
Population is 270,000
Currenc is Barbados dollars
Barbados Tourism video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GJRs3M8uKQ

Barbados was a nice refreshing change from Guyana and a great way to assist in forgetting about a broken leg.
From the time we landed the people were extremely courteous and welcoming!
As I landed they had a wheel chair waiting for our arrival while I was wheeled through the beautiful gardens Barbados airport has Brent and I knew this was a great decision we made. As an added bonus the nice young gentlemen that was wheeling me around promptly took us past the customs line up and up to the wicket for service (got to like that service- wheel chair is the way to go :)
Once out side the young man that was wheeling me around flagged down a taxi and said his goodbyes. Our driver was an older gentleman who drove us through what appeared to be the back roads due to the very high grass that was growing up to the edge of the narrow winding roads and the condition of the road was slightly rough but paved. We would find out later on in the week that these were indeed the major roads.
We had an address to the apartment
She showed us to our apartment and told us that she had her son buy us a few welcoming groceries and made notes for us on the direct TV, beach chairs and beach towels were stored in the apartment for our use. Off to a great start!
To celebrate my freedom from Guyana Brent and I sat down at the kitchen table got out the ipod stereo for a little music and had a few drinks of rum
The AM came early as we never seem to escaped the cackle of the roosters and the squawking of the birds but this time there was an added noise one that would make you jump from your bed in fear that a someone was about to attack. It was called bread fruit.

Apparently they were ripe and ready to be picked. These are heavy fruit and when they hit the tin roof you are fully aware they have done so.
By the time we were up and looking out at the beautiful white sandy beach, the catamarans
Reachfar #52 Paynes Bay (web site is Peaches) would be our home until the 2nd of August. Although not right on the beach it was directly across the street with the entire amenities one could want along with the bread fruit tree, lime tree which was fabulous for drinks, an avocado tree and a lemon grapefruit cross tree, how nice is that! Joan and her family were extremely accommodating and all this for only $50 US a night all taxes included. Especially considering the place less than 15 feet in front of us, the ST James was priced at $290 a night. Evidently were not nice people who would not let me walk through their lobby to the beach (it was easier for me due to the crutches and sand) or use their lounge chairs for my cast. (we offered to pay)
This was the perfect spot. There were giant sea turtles

Payne’s Bay is an excellent location for a holiday. It is in a good location, safe to walk around, North American style buses for only $1.50 US come by all the time. There is great shopping, groceries store and golf in Holetown just north of Payne’s Bay.
For the most part we spent time on the beach and for two days rented a car,
This was a magnificent thing to do especially considering I could not get the cast wet and of course hiking was out of the question.
As we still had a budget to try and follow, we stuck to eating and drinking in our apartment except for the few necessary beers to combat the intense heat and lusting thirst.
Day 72
Caribbean flights $1,524.00
Hotel $50.00
cabs $50.00
Guyana departure tax- Ouch $40.00
food $10.00
beer & dinner $10.00
Rum 2 bottles for Barbados $8.00
Total $1,692.00
Day 73
Hotel $50.00
Bus $3.00
underwater camera- Turtles $19.00
food $113.00
Total $185.00
Day 74
Hotel $50.00
beer $6.00
Total $56.00
Day 75
Hotel $50.00
transportation $23.00 I could not walk anymore and we needed to get a cab out of down town
beer $2.50
Total $75.50
Day 76
Hotel $50.00
car rental $75.00
gas $20.00
food $10.50
beer $3.50
Day 77
Hotel $50.00
Car rental $75.00
Lunch for Brent $21.00
Lunch for Carrie $5.00
food $10.00
gas $5.00
Total $166.00
Day 78
Hotel $50.00
food $2.00
beer $12.00
Total $64.00
The total expense for the flights from Guyana to Barbados, St Vincent and St Lucia and back to Guyana for 23 days equalled out to $25 US a day:
Price Summary
Fare (GEO to BGI)
2 Adults @ $183.50 $367.00 USD
Taxes / Fees $125.56 USD
Fare (BGI to SVD)
2 Adults @ $45.50 $91.00 USD
Taxes / Fees $126.16 USD
Fare (SVD to SLU)
2 Adults @ $65.50 $131.00 USD
Taxes / Fees $94.40 USD
Fare (SLU to GEO)
2 Adults @ $169.50 $339.00 USD
Taxes / Fees $249.50 USD
Total Package Price$1,523.62 USD
This is also due to the many festivals that occur in the Caribbean during the summer other wise it would have been less and we would have left Guyana 10 days earlier than we did.
Some of the highlights were:
Flower Cave
Crane beach

Cherry Hill

Foul Bay Beach
St Lawrence Gap

St Nicholas Abby

Solar house in Queens Park

Some of the highlights were:
Flower Cave
Crane beach
Cherry Hill
Foul Bay Beach
St Lawrence Gap
St Nicholas Abby
Solar house in Queens Park
and lets not forget the monkeys crosing the road in the North East
All in all great place to go!
Foul bay was by far the best beach next would be Crane beach bay and then of course the turtles on our beach at Payne’s bay.
Property goes for about $30 to $40 US per sqft and alot is available, plus it is a great place to invest.
Try BEAVA, Terra Caribbean this site is good for other islands as well, Beach front houses for both rental and purchase, Barbados Property News, Bajan Services Limited, Realtors Limited, just to mane a few.
Money exchange is $2.67 to 1 US dollar.
All food is North American