Well what a surprise. Never thought we would be in Mexico for Xmas and New Years!
Just before we went to Machu Picchu we had an opportunity to talk with the family through Skype.
Ron, Brent’s brother is always hard to get a hold of as he spends many days on the road working, hauling over sized loads around the USA and Canada.
it is always a great feeling having the chance to talk with loved ones, especially considering some are hard to get a hold of.
Ron, being extremely generous
made us an offer to come to Puerto Vallarta
for Xmas to spend time with him and his family.
Terribly excited to see everyone we got online right then and there (December 5th) and booked a flight!
There were not a lot of flights going from Lima, Peru to PV Mexico so it took a little work. Now that all is great and we are going to get the chance to see loved ones for the first time in 7 months. We head off with vigour and determination to get to Machu Picchu, complete the Nazca lines and get our asses into Lima before we have to leave on the 21st.
We packed up our belongings and started to make the journey from Cuzco, Peru to Ollantaytambo , then find the road that goes to San Teresa, finally leaving the bikes in San Teresa and hike down to Agua Caliente, the jump off point to go to Machu Picchu.
Unfortunately things did not quite go as planned. Now in a big hurry to ensure we got to Lima on time we arrived a little late in Ollantaytambo and it is pouring rain. We stopped and talked with a few people about directions. To find out where we needed to get the Machu Picchu entrance passes as we read you needed to buy them in Ollantaytambo.
Not the case, in the end you simply buy the tickets right at the entrance to Machu Picchu or in Agua Caliente.
Finally we are off but we were told the road was dirt and all we could find was a paved road. Confused we stopped and asked a local who said we were on the wrong road.
Now frustrated and out of time Brent wants to simply take the train to Agua Caliente from Ollantaytambo and we were able to do just that the same day rather than risk an accident on muddy mountain roads or some unforeseen delays.
Finally, we have the great pleasure of seeing Machu Picchu. We got back in the Am a few days later and start the journey to the Nazca lines. This takes a few days. There I became very sick but we pushed on to the Paracas Peninsula where I spent a few days in bed. Finally well enough to move on we arrive in Lima.
While in Lima we got settled and secured the storage of our bikes while we went to PV for Xmas. Also now that we knew we were heading to see family we lightened our load on the bikes of items we no longer needed and also bought a few items to take home.
It is now the 15th of December and we have a LAN airlines office close by so we decided to try and check in. It does not work and there a lot of people in the office so we decided to return the following morning.
With all of this chaos we had no internet connection for some time. So I go to an internet café were I looked up my visa to see if the payment went through. It looked like it had as there was a charge from LAN plus a processing fee from Vayama, the internet based company that I booked the flights through.
I then head back to LAN in the AM to get things cleared up. I tried to book us in and still no go. I decide I had better talk with an agent. The agent says then do not have us booked as the charge had not gone through.
I had explained that there was a charge on my Visa and I had my confirmation number.
Still nothing, at this point my stomach is tied up in knots and I feel sick. Brent was looking so forward to seeing his brother for his birthday and spending time with Pam and the girls for Xmas.
Now with determination to fix the problem I found a place were I can make a phone call to Vayama. The first call I am on hold for 35 minutes (in a small booth) but stupid me I put my arm down and accidentally hit something on the phone and disconnected the call. Pissed off and frustrated, I make the call again and this time I am on hold for 25 minutes when I had leaned up against the telephone conduit and cut the call off yet again!
It is now 5pm and I thought it would be best to try first thing in the morning as it may be easier to get connected.
Back on the internet I go and thought it would be best to take a further look at my visa. This time I realize the flight charge was from Easter Island. We had been moving so fast since Easter Island that I had thought that the flight was paid off but it was not. (I had also provided the visa that only had a 2000 dollar limit so this transaction was declined).
So I spent the evening on the internet looking up every possible way to get to PV Mexico for around the same price Ron and Brent had agreed upon.
Things were not looking good, flights were now full and prices were way up and I felt so sick about the entire thing.
The next morning I went back to a phone booth and this time got through. The agent said they had sent a email stating the fee did not go through and she informed me that there is nothing she can do as we are now to close to the date unless we wanted to leave December 25th. This was not going to work as Ron and the family were only staying until the 30th.
Now completely upset I settle in on a computer and find a possibility of getting us out. We book a flight with Taca Air to Mexico City and then on to PV via Mexicana air but we would have to leave earlier. In the end we had to leave on the 19th arriving at 11:30pm but we would not leave until the 21st for PV.
We are trying not to spend two nights in the airport! We wait until 4:00 am after running from one ticket agent then over to another , then being sent across the airport to yet another agent where we finally got the help we needed. Imagine having to lug around two 60lbs boxes with no luggage carts (as the airport does not have any public carts-only paid porters) and a back pack on. ( WEIGHT LOSS ANYONE ?).
At last we are able to do a flight change to see the family that morning and do not have to spend a second night in the airport!
Ron was keeping our arrival a surprise for Xmas and he was expecting us to arrive at 11:30pm on the 21st but we surprised all by knocking on their door at 10:30 Am on the 20th.
Although, we were tired, hot & stinky what an excellent feeling to see everyone!
After a few screams, a few tears, a couple of beers, a few stories, a couple of exchanges of items, and a true hot shower in a clean bathroom we were settling in and feeling amazing.
The next 2 weeks were filled with great conversation, tremendous dinners, significant amounts of booze, walks on the beach, hanging out by the pool, football & Frisbee for the boys, swimming pool after swimming pool, golf days and simply good times with the Larose’s.
Just a couple of special notes about our time:
Christmas dinner was held at a restaurant (Artiste) in Puerto Vallarta that provided a 5 course dinner with all the wine pairings to match.
Each course was an art piece bursting with flavour and the wines were perfect. After the meal we go into the private tasting room filled with different types of cognacs, liquors and cigars (Cubans of course)- Only one word WOW!
Golf at the Flamingo course. Fun Fun Fun.
Brent & Ron went out with another condo owner Tim Gray from Fort McMurray, Alberta
and we met up with them for a sandwich after they finished at the course. Hey had so much fun Ron asked if I would like to join them as they were going to play again in a few days.
So I did, too much fun!!!! 
Ron, Pam and Dani were able to change their return flight back to Canada and spend the New year with us. The condo owners got together and held a small party, we all watched the fireworks along the coast- You cannot beat that view!! What a way to bring in the New Year, loved ones all around, toes in the sand
and beautiful fireworks all both near and far!!!
Thanks so much to Ron and his family,
we are ready for the rest of our journey!
Just before we went to Machu Picchu we had an opportunity to talk with the family through Skype.
Ron, Brent’s brother is always hard to get a hold of as he spends many days on the road working, hauling over sized loads around the USA and Canada.
it is always a great feeling having the chance to talk with loved ones, especially considering some are hard to get a hold of.
Ron, being extremely generous

Terribly excited to see everyone we got online right then and there (December 5th) and booked a flight!
There were not a lot of flights going from Lima, Peru to PV Mexico so it took a little work. Now that all is great and we are going to get the chance to see loved ones for the first time in 7 months. We head off with vigour and determination to get to Machu Picchu, complete the Nazca lines and get our asses into Lima before we have to leave on the 21st.
We packed up our belongings and started to make the journey from Cuzco, Peru to Ollantaytambo , then find the road that goes to San Teresa, finally leaving the bikes in San Teresa and hike down to Agua Caliente, the jump off point to go to Machu Picchu.
Unfortunately things did not quite go as planned. Now in a big hurry to ensure we got to Lima on time we arrived a little late in Ollantaytambo and it is pouring rain. We stopped and talked with a few people about directions. To find out where we needed to get the Machu Picchu entrance passes as we read you needed to buy them in Ollantaytambo.
Not the case, in the end you simply buy the tickets right at the entrance to Machu Picchu or in Agua Caliente.
Finally we are off but we were told the road was dirt and all we could find was a paved road. Confused we stopped and asked a local who said we were on the wrong road.
Now frustrated and out of time Brent wants to simply take the train to Agua Caliente from Ollantaytambo and we were able to do just that the same day rather than risk an accident on muddy mountain roads or some unforeseen delays.
Finally, we have the great pleasure of seeing Machu Picchu. We got back in the Am a few days later and start the journey to the Nazca lines. This takes a few days. There I became very sick but we pushed on to the Paracas Peninsula where I spent a few days in bed. Finally well enough to move on we arrive in Lima.
While in Lima we got settled and secured the storage of our bikes while we went to PV for Xmas. Also now that we knew we were heading to see family we lightened our load on the bikes of items we no longer needed and also bought a few items to take home.
It is now the 15th of December and we have a LAN airlines office close by so we decided to try and check in. It does not work and there a lot of people in the office so we decided to return the following morning.
With all of this chaos we had no internet connection for some time. So I go to an internet café were I looked up my visa to see if the payment went through. It looked like it had as there was a charge from LAN plus a processing fee from Vayama, the internet based company that I booked the flights through.
I then head back to LAN in the AM to get things cleared up. I tried to book us in and still no go. I decide I had better talk with an agent. The agent says then do not have us booked as the charge had not gone through.
I had explained that there was a charge on my Visa and I had my confirmation number.
Still nothing, at this point my stomach is tied up in knots and I feel sick. Brent was looking so forward to seeing his brother for his birthday and spending time with Pam and the girls for Xmas.
Now with determination to fix the problem I found a place were I can make a phone call to Vayama. The first call I am on hold for 35 minutes (in a small booth) but stupid me I put my arm down and accidentally hit something on the phone and disconnected the call. Pissed off and frustrated, I make the call again and this time I am on hold for 25 minutes when I had leaned up against the telephone conduit and cut the call off yet again!
It is now 5pm and I thought it would be best to try first thing in the morning as it may be easier to get connected.
Back on the internet I go and thought it would be best to take a further look at my visa. This time I realize the flight charge was from Easter Island. We had been moving so fast since Easter Island that I had thought that the flight was paid off but it was not. (I had also provided the visa that only had a 2000 dollar limit so this transaction was declined).
So I spent the evening on the internet looking up every possible way to get to PV Mexico for around the same price Ron and Brent had agreed upon.
Things were not looking good, flights were now full and prices were way up and I felt so sick about the entire thing.
The next morning I went back to a phone booth and this time got through. The agent said they had sent a email stating the fee did not go through and she informed me that there is nothing she can do as we are now to close to the date unless we wanted to leave December 25th. This was not going to work as Ron and the family were only staying until the 30th.
Now completely upset I settle in on a computer and find a possibility of getting us out. We book a flight with Taca Air to Mexico City and then on to PV via Mexicana air but we would have to leave earlier. In the end we had to leave on the 19th arriving at 11:30pm but we would not leave until the 21st for PV.
We are trying not to spend two nights in the airport! We wait until 4:00 am after running from one ticket agent then over to another , then being sent across the airport to yet another agent where we finally got the help we needed. Imagine having to lug around two 60lbs boxes with no luggage carts (as the airport does not have any public carts-only paid porters) and a back pack on. ( WEIGHT LOSS ANYONE ?).
At last we are able to do a flight change to see the family that morning and do not have to spend a second night in the airport!
Ron was keeping our arrival a surprise for Xmas and he was expecting us to arrive at 11:30pm on the 21st but we surprised all by knocking on their door at 10:30 Am on the 20th.
Although, we were tired, hot & stinky what an excellent feeling to see everyone!
After a few screams, a few tears, a couple of beers, a few stories, a couple of exchanges of items, and a true hot shower in a clean bathroom we were settling in and feeling amazing.
The next 2 weeks were filled with great conversation, tremendous dinners, significant amounts of booze, walks on the beach, hanging out by the pool, football & Frisbee for the boys, swimming pool after swimming pool, golf days and simply good times with the Larose’s.
Just a couple of special notes about our time:
Christmas dinner was held at a restaurant (Artiste) in Puerto Vallarta that provided a 5 course dinner with all the wine pairings to match.

Golf at the Flamingo course. Fun Fun Fun.
Brent & Ron went out with another condo owner Tim Gray from Fort McMurray, Alberta

Ron, Pam and Dani were able to change their return flight back to Canada and spend the New year with us. The condo owners got together and held a small party, we all watched the fireworks along the coast- You cannot beat that view!! What a way to bring in the New Year, loved ones all around, toes in the sand
Thanks so much to Ron and his family,