coves with great beaches and Caribbean like blue water that is laced with coral reef. Although we could have went farther we decide to stay at the half way point in Playa Colorado. 
Here we met some people that had offered us copious amounts of frosty cold beer- so of course we stayed! :)
Casa Zorka is the older lady, originally from Europe where she and her family escaped the occupation and eventually immigrated to Canada. Zorka speaks fluent english and runs a clean house. Here Brent did a little community service.
When we first started out on this journey I thought we would be helping on a larger scale but this was satisfying.
Zorka lost power to her home and needed help. This poor woman was so worried! Plus she also said to us that we could leave if we wished and she would give us our money back, that we did not need to stay and suffer with her. How cute!
Any way Brent went in to try and help and eventually found out that there was a problem from one main line into the house and that the power surges had fried something. The problem was on the city’s side. From here we ran cables to her neighbours so she could keep the food in her fridge. Brent also helped her figure out her Direct TV and switched her water supply over for her.
When we first started out on this journey I thought we would be helping on a larger scale but this was satisfying.
Zorka lost power to her home and needed help. This poor woman was so worried! Plus she also said to us that we could leave if we wished and she would give us our money back, that we did not need to stay and suffer with her. How cute!
Any way Brent went in to try and help and eventually found out that there was a problem from one main line into the house and that the power surges had fried something. The problem was on the city’s side. From here we ran cables to her neighbours so she could keep the food in her fridge. Brent also helped her figure out her Direct TV and switched her water supply over for her.
One morning Zorka came out to the front deck and had coffee with us
where she discribed how her and her husband had found the home to which she now occupied, how the envir
oment has changed so much and not for the better, how she has been robbed twice in her home and one time was with a pistal pointed at her head. How her children have installed electrical fenses over the all read 8 foot tall fense.
A amazing and intresting women, whos story of looking for the ideal place to live cound one day minic my own.
oment has changed so much and not for the better, how she has been robbed twice in her home and one time was with a pistal pointed at her head. How her children have installed electrical fenses over the all read 8 foot tall fense.
We decide we needed to stay a couple of days as our stomachs have not been great due to getting use to the food here. On the last day we were doing okay and decide to take a boat to 4 of the islands and do some snorkelling. Guys on the beach will ask and offer a tour we took one for $35. It was good, but in my opinion way over priced, at this cost we should have had guided tours on the islands or drinks. :(
Day 39
Gas $0.80
Hotel $15.00
Rum & coke $6.00
6 beer $5.00
Ham & cheese sandwich $1.50
Total $28.30
Day 40
Hotel $15.00
eggs & 6lt water $4.00
Dinner & breakfast $8.00
2 beer $1.50
Total $28.50
Day 41
Hotel $15.00
Fruit & Vegs $0.50
Bread, Pastry & Juice $2.00
Ham & Cheese $1.50
Rum & Coke $11.00
Total $30.00
Day 42
Hotel $15.00
Boat tour $34.50
Playa Colorado is a terrific place to holiday, the beach is magnificent, snorkelling is good but there are no real locations to buy food from a market so you will need to eat on the beach or come prepared.
next stop Canima National Park
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